Is Separation Anxiety Due to Over Attachment?

Phobic Behavior

Separation anxiety is a common problem behaviorists, behavior consultants, and trainers see on a regular basis.  Is this problem caused because the dog has an overly intense, or particularly strong bond or attachment to the owner(s)?  That’s our topic for discussion in this podcast.

Resources mentioned in the podcast are:

Managing the Home Alone Dog:
A 2 CD audio program, including class notes, of our in depth course for professionals to help them be more effective helping their clients with separation anxiety problems. 
Helping the Home Alone Fido:  A 2 CD home study course, including notes, checklists and protocols, especially for PET OWNERS to help them understand and resolve their dog’s separation anxiety problem.
Resources on Separation Anxiety for Behavior Education Network Members: 
Can Placebos Help Dogs With Separation Anxiety?
How Effective Are Treatments For Separation Anxiety?
What’s New With Separation Anxiety?
Separation Anxiety: Separating the Truth From the Myth
Eleven Things You Should Know About Separation Anxiety
Preventing Separation Anxiety

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